Due to the degrading condition of Ochapowace Nation powwow grounds arbour, which served Ochapowace for 20+ years, Dreamcatcher Homes (Cold Lake, AB) spent 4 ½ weeks building and completing the new and improved Ochapowace Nation Powwow arbour. Dreamcatcher Homes has been building custom log structures for over 15 years.
The new and improved arbour design is 10 feet wider in diameter from center pole and is 5-8 feet higher than the previous arbour. It holds a seating capacity of 2000 people that has been customized to meet Ochapowace needs along with improved elder accommodations. It will also include an improved security booth and fence at entrance and a new center pole with designs. With proper care and maintenance, the new arbour can last up to 30+ years.
100% of cost was covered by INAC through a cultural development application proposal that was overseen by the Ochapowace Culture Department.